My name is Ainne Olar,15 years old and I'm in 10th grade of High School. I was born in Philippines and I spent most of my childhood there, then we moved in Canada.
It was my first time moving to another country, so I was a very shy student for a little while back in my school in New Brunswick. New Brunswick is one of the provinces in Canada where we first move. It wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be, but I've made it until where I am now. I had to speak and learn new languages to be able to communicate to other people. For the little while which I spent in school, I am only by myself. I usually don't talk to people because I was not comfortable to speak the language, since it isn't the language that we speak in my country. In class, I don't participate I always choose to shut my mouth because I also am not that very confidence to speak in front of everyone. At lunch, it's just me and my sister or sometimes it's just going to be me and I used to be alright with that. I didn't join any clubs or after school activities for a little while even though my teachers and my mom are always encouraging me.
One day, this event happened in my school where everyone had to play in the gym. I didn't join at first, I just watch everyone play, having so much fun and just enjoying the moment that the school give us. The thing is I am actually a very athletic and energetic person, so while watching everyone play I was very jealous and tempted to join. I said to myself ,"I can't just sit here in the side of the gym while watching everyone", " I need to get up and just be brave to have fun", "What am I even scared of?". All these thoughts came to my head and pushed me to stepped out of my comfort zone. I stood up and just plainly joined and after that everything changed. I made a lot of friends. I was a participant in every discussion in class because I've gain more confidence. I joined sports club that happened every after school with my friends. I become more excited to come to school everyday to see my friends.
Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. It's not that you have to step out of your comfort zone because most of us feel very comfortable with it, It's just you will be able to experience things that you have no idea you will. You will learn something about yourself that you didn't even know. You will build more relationships with others. You will become more excited about life. Lastly it will add up more to your confidence and that is the great thing that actually ever happened to me, it's a great feeling being out of my comfort zone.
By Ainne Olar